The pandemic, the climate crisis, the economy, war, injustice, unrest, uncertainty – it’s a lot to cope with and we can all use support sometimes. 

So this June we will be part of Ride Don’t Hide, riding for mental health. 

So no one has to ride alone. 

So no one has to struggle with their mental health alone.

Even before the pandemic, our mental health care system was not meeting people’s needs, in part due to underfunding and long waiting lists. A staggering 1.6 million Canadians per year already reported not getting the mental health care they needed. One third of (or 9.1 million) people in Canada will experience a mental illness or substance use disorder during their lifetime. And yet, a third of Canadians can’t get the mental health care they need and that rises to 75% for children.

None of us can do this alone. We all need community and connection. We are raising funds for Canadian Mental Health Association to help stop the gaps in the system, provide care before crisis and help keep people well.

And we could use your help and support now.

Donations to our Ride Don't Hide page will help more Canadians get the help they need, when they need it.We're raising funds for our friends, our families, our neighbours, our community. 

Ride Don’t Hide is more than a crowd, more than a community. We’re a movement for mental health. Join us—on your bike or in spirit with a donation. Every donation, no matter the size, is a message saying “you are not alone.” 




Team Members