About CMHA Grey Bruce

At the CMHA Grey Bruce we cultivate hope, resilience and community for those who live with, and are impacted by, mental illness and/ or/ addiction.

Ride Don’t Hide raises awareness and funds that make a significant impact in our community. Your donation enables us to continue this essential work in our community. This event will provide essential mental health programs and services including:

The proceeds from the Ride Don’t Hide event will support programs and services of the Grey Bruce branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. We offer many community programs that do not receive any government funding. Brunch programs are available at all 4 of our drop-in centres. In Owen Sound, the brunch program is available 5 mornings a week. Serving up to 60 people a day, the program employs an additional 15 staff to make it all happen. The community gardens are also a flourishing project at each site. Staffing 10 people over the growing season, the 60 raised beds at the St. George’s Garden provide an abundant amount of fresh produce for all of the Brunch programs. In 2017 due to increased donations & funding we are starting our Food Forest & Social Enterprise community project so thank you!  Proceeds will also go to support our youth awareness & education programs. The Friends and Neighbours (FAN) club program uses child-sized puppets to talk to over 10,000 children a year ages 4 to 11 about social issues affecting them. Let’s Talk is a 2-visit program for Grades 7 and up. Funds will also support our ID Clinic and Men’s Program.

Contact Us



ADDRESS: 1024 2nd Ave. East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H7

FAX: 519-371-6485