Your support will make the difference.
Founded more than 100 years ago and located in more than 330 communities across Canada, the Canadian Mental Health Association has a crucial mission, advocating and providing resources for the 1 in 5 people in Canada who have a mental illness, and for all 5 in 5 of us who have mental health. Thank you for helping us provide tailored programs, services and supports that help all Canadians thrive.
There are many ways for you to donate.
To make a donation by mail, please send a cheque payable to Canadian Mental Health Association, National to 500-250 Dundas St W, Toronto ON, M5T 2Z5.
Donations made to the national office of the Canadian Mental Health Association will be used for the area of greatest need. To direct your donation to a specific provincial/territorial division or local branch/region, please find your CMHA here.
You are always welcome to contact us with any questions at or 416-646-5557 x 24933.