About Us


CMHA of Northern BC has been incorporated since 1965.  We have an extensive history serving people impacted by mental illness and working hard to reduce stigma and increase access to essential services in the field.  We serve the whole Northern Health region and as such speak for the need for equitable access to services regardless of where you live.  We serve anyone who is impacted by mental illness or addictions - either themselves or within the group of people they care about.


Canadian Mental Health Association of Northern BC Programs

Life Skills Support:

Assists individuals with a serious and persistent mental illness to work toward recovery by setting and achieving personal goals in everyday living.  Individuals work on budgeting, cooking, meal planning, home maintenance, medication management, socialization and errands and appointments.


Resource Housing- Assists people with mental illness and/or addictions to be linked to housing and income supports. This may include assistance in locating housing, securing and/ or maintaining housing.

Supported Housing- Our housing program includes a 5-bed residence and 19 BC Housing Subsidized units. The supported housing is available to low-income individuals living with a mental illness.

Peer Support:

Offers support to individuals impacted by mental illness who require assistance in resolving issues or concerns they may have in dealing with areas of their daily lives such as: income assistance applications, tenancy issues, making appointments, finding information, financial matters or connecting to services.

Vocational Support:

Provides supervision of volunteer placements in the community and at Connections clubhouse with the aim of providing meaningful employment as a step toward achieving any vocational goals clients may have.  Job skills training in various areas and planned social/recreational activities help establish routines, promote social skills, and raise the confidence of clients.  Services include evaluation of employment, interests, skills and abilities; goal development; resume, interview and job-seeking skills; job skills and non-paid work opportunities and on the job support.

Mosaic Employment Opportunities

A referral-based program designed to include all persons with both disabilities and mental health issues in the workplace.  This program ensures that supports are available to the client in a workplace setting until both the client and the employer are comfortable and able to perform duties as required.

Two Rivers Catering:

Two Rivers Catering is one of the CMHA – Prince George’s – social enterprise businesses:  In moving towards creating more supportive paid work opportunities for individuals living with a mental illness, the catering business has been in operation since the summer of 2011. The individuals who participate receive mentoring, training, and hands-on experience in working with all aspects of the culinary arts.

Second Chances Thrift Store

Our store continues to provide low-priced previously owned clothing & footwear, small household goods and used books. Totally relying on the generosity of donations for our goods, we have been fortunate to have wonderful community support with contributions to keep our racks and shelves well-stocked. The primary purpose of Second Chance (aside from great quality at great prices) is to provide a retail training opportunity for people with mental illness. The path to mental wellness often includes re-entering the workforce and Second Chance Thrift Store provides that opportunity in a safe and supportive environment. All monies are used to provide employment opportunities for individuals living with a mental illness.

Community Education & Workshops

Through offering workshops on mental illness and informational material, CMHA hopes to break down the barriers that lack of knowledge can create.

Bounce Back: Reclaim Your Health

Designed to help people experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety that may arise from stress or any other life circumstances. The program distributes DVD’s, workbooks, and videos providing practical tips on managing mood and healthy living. It provides a guided self-help program that teaches skills to overcome unhelpful thinking, reduced activities, low socialization, and sleep problems, as well as strategies for problem-solving, through the help of a Bounceback community coach. This program accepts referrals from family physicians or any primary health care provider.

The program is available online or free by mail. It is accessible for youth 15-19 and Adults 19+.

For more information on Canadian Mental Health Association programs and services, call reception at 250-564-8644 or email us at inquiries@cmhanorthernbc.ca.